Leverage Direct Mail In Your Marketing Automation Programs

Add Direct Mail to Your Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is a hot topic these days but most implementations use only online marketing channels. Adding direct mail to your automated marketing programs can impact top line revenue growth. 

This presentation how and why you should consider implementing postal mail in your marketing program. It also dispels these four myths about direct mail:

  1. Direct mail is dead
  2. Direct mail is too expensive
  3. Online is the only way to do digital marketing
  4. Direct mail is too hard

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A primary benefit of marketing automation systems is the ability to send highly relevant information to your prospect at the right time. The problem is that one marketing channel never works for everybody all the time.  While email marketing can provide great ROI, relying too heavily on it can have a significant negative impact on revenue growth.

Leaving direct mail out of your automated marketing program means you’re missing out on the following benefits:

  • personalization enabled by variable data digital printing technologies
  • being highly targeted
  • a long shelf life
  • stands out since your marketing piece is literally placed in your prospect’s hands

It doesn’t need to be this way. It is actually pretty easy to add a direct mail channel to your marketing automation programs. 

Direct mail can overcome many problems faced by email marketing. Correctly implemented it can be highly personalized and it is measurable.

Please contact me if you’d like to discuss the benefits of implementing direct mail in marketing automation or would like me to present this topic to your organization or team.

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